WAT-CAST: Cheryl Hyatt Talks About Mentoring
The word mentor was inspired by a character in Homer’s Odyssey. The actual mentor in the story was an old man, but the goddess Athena took on his appearance to guide Odysseus’ son Telemachus. These days mentors may not be gods or goddesses, but many of them do take their role to mentor others very seriously.
Do you need a mentor? If so, how do you find one? Should that person be inside your company and industry, or someone from outside? Can social media help you find a mentor? What happens if the relationship doesn’t work out? Can you “break up?” Cheryl Hyatt (above), of Hyatt-Fennell Executive Search, has more than 20 years of executive-search consulting experience and she brings over 30 years of management and organizational leadership experience to her role with clients. Her breadth of experience, knowledge, and contacts makes her sought after professionally in her field. She talks with Woman Around Town’s Editor Charlene Giannetti about mentorship. Click to listen.