Poet’s Corner: Come What May – Susan Moorhead
You are always starting from somewhere:
dot on a map, first thought upon waking ,
first pencil stroke on the paper of a plan,
the before and the after. Always starting
from an A on the lookout for that B. It’s
the how of it, the way all things start out,
that tense hovering, stranded on the far side,
peering over to where you want to go,
where you need to go, even if everyone
else says forget about it, even if you think
you’d be crazy to try. Even choosing to
stay safe is choosing, even that holds
no guarantees. It’s clear that whichever
way you choose, your path will be
uncertain and full of unknown outcomes,
all paths are. You might fall, below looks
perilous, but you might fly. The final outcome
is unknowable, cloud-hidden, rain or sun,
anybody’s guess. Might as well fold up
the map, ditch the plan, and turn back. And yet,
you don’t. Isn’t it that moment, right there,
that choice, that takes you from who you are
to who you want to be? Take a deep breath,
and go ahead, tell your fears and doubts that
you’re in this together so you might as well
be friends. And then? Take that first step.