Poet’s Corner: Will the Real Lady Liberty, Please Stand Up
Our lady liberty,
A shining light for all;
Reminding each and everyone,
Humanity’s her call:
Inviting poor;
Inviting kind,
Inviting those
Who have the mind,
To understand
A better way;
For decency
‘Stead man’s decay.
To live a dream
They can afford;
And simply be
Our truth restored.
She holds her torch
Up to the sky;
She casts a light
One can’t deny.
Even shadows
Turn their head
For glimpses of
The aforesaid:
Bring me your poor;
Your wretched too;
Your huddled masses,
We’ll see you through;
From storms at night
To blinding sun;
For in America
We are one.
Stand up proud;
As you walk through
Our golden doors,
Built just for you.
No more the homeless,
You’re welcome here.
Do not worry.
Do not fear.
‘Tis nothing more
Then tempest tost:
But heartless men
Who charge a cost;
With cheapened words;
And breath of bait;
To gorge on ignorance,
Then throw-up hate.
(Do not wince;
Do not hide;
For America’s
The kind of ride:
When storms rise up
From sea to sea?
We will always stand
For democracy.)
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