Taking Control: Here Are Easy Things You Can Do To Age Gracefully
Aging is an inevitable part of life, and so are the changes that come along with it. Not only do we get more susceptible to diseases, but we also become more prone to weight gain, among other things. This is the reality for most people in the country, seeing as the nation’s median age has increased by 3.4 years. For women, especially, aging comes with an additional burden that can be difficult to deal with: menopause. Moreover, with menopause comes a plethora of other physical effects such as hot flushes, mood swings, and anxiety. No wonder that aging can seem daunting to a lot of us. However, there are ways to take control so that we can gracefully accept the changes that our bodies go through as we age.
Take Care of Your Skin
Your skin is one of the first obvious physical indicators that you are aging. According to the National Institute of Aging, as we grow older, our skin becomes thinner, loses fat, and would no longer look as plump and smooth as it did when we were younger. While these changes are inevitable, you can, however, delay them by properly taking care of your skin. Eat foods that are good for your skin, such as fatty fish, avocadoes, nuts and seeds, as well as other fruits and vegetables. Don’t forget to wear sunblock, and to have a skincare routine that includes products for mature or aging skin. By taking proactive steps in taking care of your skin, you can look revitalized and more radiant as you age.
The “Me” in Menopause
Menopause is another natural part of aging for women; as natural as it is, it can also be uncomfortable. For example, a study by Harvard Health found that 15% of women experience the worst form of hot flashes. Meanwhile, some women experience depression, insomnia, as well as memory and concentration problems. Fortunately, lifestyle changes that focus on self-care can help alleviate these effects of menopause. The North American Menopause society recommends practicing relaxation and stress-reduction techniques, coupled with self-nurturing activities. Some women also find relief in medications such as vitamin B6. While these might not fully stave off the side-effects of menopause, they can make them manageable and bearable.
Your Health Matters
It is a commonly accepted fact that we tend to get weaker as we grow older, and studies show that approximately 92% of older adults suffer from at least one chronic condition, such as heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes. However, taking care of yourself can make healthy aging easier to achieve. Doing moderate exercises such as walking or gardening, eating a balanced diet, engaging in preventative health behaviors such as getting your vaccines, as well as having regular positive interactions are a good way to ensure that you remain healthy as you grow older.
Aging does not have to be scary or difficult. As it is an inevitable part of life, we can learn to accept it with grace. Doing some simple lifestyle changes such as the ones suggested here can make healthy aging realistic and achievable.
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