Do I Need a Lawyer for My Custody Case?

The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that there are 12.9 million custodial parents in the U.S., which represents around 4% of the total population. On average, the mother receives around 65% of custody time, while the father typically gets around 35%. Only 18% of the time do both parents agree that the father should have custody.
People sometimes wonder if hiring a lawyer is really necessary in custody cases. TDC Family Law says that a lawyer can be very helpful in guiding you through custody cases.
Let us look at why hiring a lawyer might be beneficial if you are dealing with a custody case.
Understanding the Complexity of Custody Cases
Every custody case presents its own unique difficulties that are often influenced by emotional, legal, and personal factors.
Judges must consider the child’s best interests while deciding custody. They evaluate the child’s age, health, and parent-child interaction. The child’s mental health and security will affect the outcome of the case.
Military family law will apply if the child has a parent who is a member of the military. Military family law follows the same basic rules as civilian family law. It has specific challenges related to deployments, moving, and military benefits. Military family law attorney Michael J. Thompson says that courts cannot take away custody just because a parent is deployed. Military parents can designate a temporary caregiver during deployment.
Local rules and procedures differ by jurisdiction, which complicates custody cases. It is advised to familiarize yourself with local custody rules and how judges will likely rule on your case.
Benefits of Hiring a Lawyer
Family law attorneys know the particulars about custody cases and the factors judges consider most heavily when weighing decisions. They can leverage this knowledge to secure a favorable outcome for your case.
Lawyers will diligently advocate for your interests. They will remind you of legal compliance and important deadlines to avoid costly mistakes that can harm your case. They can serve as your primary representative in court, where they will present your case and interests to the judges.
Custody battles are emotionally draining, and attorneys can offer much-needed emotional support. Your lawyer will give you valuable guidance through the various phases of the process so that you may better utilize your precious time and energy for your child’s well-being.
An honest attorney will handle the negotiation, whether your case is settled or goes to trial. The lawyer will use their knowledge of family law to anticipate the moves of the opposing party. Knowing what to expect can help you prepare a suitable legal strategy to counter arguments.
Factors to Consider Before Making Your Decision
Evaluate the complexity of your case first. If your case involves complex issues such as substance abuse, domestic violence, or child safety, you should hire an attorney to handle it. Complex cases usually demand more evidence, expert witnesses, and legal understanding.
If you’re inexperienced with court processes or legal jargon, a lawyer can help reduce your nervousness and give you the confidence to proceed with your case.
Another important factor to take into account is your financial situation. Examine the benefits of hiring a lawyer to determine whether their legal services outweigh the cost of hiring them.
The lawyer can negotiate a reasonable settlement, which may benefit you and your child financially.
Photo by Andriyko Podilnyk on Unsplash
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