Why Personalized Gifts Are The Best

There are so many gift options for every kind of person you can imagine. In fact, you might say that actually there are too many options, and gifting is often a competition to get the most extravagant items. But when it comes to giving the best gifts the amount you spend shouldn’t matter. If should be about giving something special and meaningful without breaking the bank in order to do it. Personalized gifts are usually something that has taken a lot of care in order to arrange. And there are many reasons why doing something that is personal, even if it is simply a postcard it will matter so much.
“Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.” ?H. Jackson Brown Jr.
Unless there are special circumstances, it is highly unlikely that someone in 50 years time is going to pick up some socks and reminisce. However, if you have something engraved every time they look at the inscription, they are going to think about you and what the item means to them. And the great thing is you can have them with dates on for anything. Wedding anniversaries, birthdays, new babies, and other important dates are the perfect reason to give something like this. Memories they can hold on to forever.
Stand Out
In a world of socks and jumpers, be the hand-drawn map of the stars the night they were born. It is very easy to grab a last-minute scent set, but it is harder to make sure that you find the latitude and longitude and the time that they were born and arrange a gift far enough in advance to have it wrapped and ready. There are common gifts like flowers, chocolates, perfumes and socks. Personalized items or items with photos on like those you can get from using the Postcard App MyPostcard are a great way to send things like updated photos of grandchildren to relatives that you don’t see often.
Sure when you give someone a gift they ‘own’ it. But there is a difference between owning a mug and having your name printed on a mug for all to see. If they work in an office, it usually pays for people to have things with their name on too. Even at home, a cup of coffee or warm tea in your own mug can bring a strong sense of comfort too.
And years from now, the item will still be used – because it means something to them.
Works For All
While you might not want to give personalized gifts to everyone, you can use them for any occasion. There is the same sense of joy in an engraved watch at 25 that there is at 80 and beyond. In fact, it is a gift you can give to a newborn as something that the parents can put away for when they are older. Much like you give silver bracelets to babies you can give something similar. When they are older, there will be stories attached to the gift, and you will be the lucky person who will be included in those stories.
It is very obvious when you give something that is personalized that you have put a lot of thought into it. Buying something that is personalized takes time to arrange and have delivered in time for the big event.
“Gift giving is a true art.
1. You need to understand the person to whom you intend to give the gift.
2. You need to know what they truly want.
3. You must be able to give it to them.
Anything less is a symptom of varying degrees, on your part, of ignorance, distance, or insult.
But if you cannot afford the right gift, telling the person what you would do if you could, justifies everything—as you present that not-so-perfect substitute. Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration
A personalized gift is only made for the person whose name is on it. That means there is nothing else like it. The name and a date or a few words will make it more special than your average gift. It could be a photo frame with a particular memory in it or a cushion with your face on (if you like that type of thing). The gift will always be one of a kind and who doesn’t love being unique?
Often handmade gifts are something that can be used – but the time it takes to make them, makes them special. If you have a friend who loves skincare and beauty, for example, but is also making the switch to being plant-based then you can spend some time researching different gifts, and you can make them things like homemade body scrubs, lip balms and even hair oils that they can use.
If your friend or a family member are growing a particularly fantastic looking beard, you can make some softening beard oil from a carrier oil like almond oil and some essential oils for fragrance. Getting children involved in the making of gifts can often add something extra special. The children will have the memories of making the gifts, and the person will have something from them that in years to come they can show them.
One of the most important things that you can give someone is time. And that can come in many forms. When you are thinking about gift-giving, then spending time with someone as part of that is a big deal. Arranging a meal out, a high-tea, a driving or golf experience or maybe even bungee jumping together will mean a lot. Often people want to have experiences rather than just a gift. You will be able to choose something that they are really going to love, spending time with them, and show that you have thought about them as a person.
What They Want
If you listen to what people ask for, rather than what you think they want, you are much more likely to give them something personalized to them. If they are asking for a rainbow-striped scarf and tickets to a movie, then get them what they want rather than getting them what you think they want. This is personalized to their personality and likes rather than personalized in an engraved watch kind of way – but still has so much meaning.
Sometimes what people need is to be given an excuse to do something for themselves. It might be in the form of a book, it may be a range of bath bombs and hair masks. It might be a gift card for a single cinema ticket – just for them. If you know someone who is always going above and beyond for others, it is likely that they need some TLC. Here are a few suggestions to help you:
- Subscription to Calm, Headspace or Shine
- New walking boots
- Hat and gloves
- Himalayan salt lamp
- Loose tea set
- Chore coupons (offer to take care of some stuff)
- Bright ideas journal
- Classes for something they have always wanted to learn
- A starter kit for the hobby that they mention, or a top-up for one they already do. You can even find events that are catered to their hobby and get you both tickets.
While some people enjoy giving gifts, others find that it sparks a huge passion. Creating a business in the gift industry will mean that you are on the front line when it comes to helping people choose the perfect gift too. You can attend the most amazing events like the gift fair 2020, and have access to suppliers and creators of all kinds.
Although the idea of starting a business from home might seem a little daunting, to begin with, you don’t need to spend any money when it comes to gift-giving. You could opt to be a personal shopper, and charge a commission for doing something you already enjoy.
If you like the idea of a more traditional (or online) store, then you’ll have to put in some extra groundwork.
According to the Giftware Association (GA), the national trade body for the UK gift industry, the sector is worth an estimated £10bn per year. So when you consider turning your gifting passion into a business, there is profit to be made.
When it comes to giving the right gift, much of it depends on the time you take to think about the person. Sometimes the average gift set is appreciated and will be used, but might not be as special as something that really suits who they are and what they need. And while it is true that we are hyper consumers now, there are many small home-based businesses that are putting the sparkle back into gifting. The smaller details matter, the original source of the tea leaves, printed quotes, rare books, gifts that are one-off pieces. You can be creative, thoughtful, and do it without breaking the bank too.
Image by Michael Schwarzenberger from Pixabay
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